Graphic with CCISD logo. Job Fair. March 35 from 5-7 p.m. at the Copperas Cove Civic Center, 1206 West Avenue B. Instructional, professional & support staff positions available. Interviews available on-site. Learn more, eligivility criteria, FAQ's at www. Follow us on Facebook, Copperas Cove ISD

COPPERAS COVE – Copperas Cove ISD will hold a job fair, looking to fill key positions in the district’s mission to provide every student a foundation of excellence and a future of success.

Positions available include instructional, professional, paraprofessional and support staff. Hiring managers within the district will be there with the ability to conduct on-site interviews.

The job fair is scheduled for March 25th from 5-7 p.m. at the Copperas Cove Civic Center, located at 1206 W. Ave. B.

CCISD is proud to offer its employees competitive salaries and benefits, contributing $446 per month in health insurance contribution, which completely covers the current cost of an employee-only health plan. A first-year teacher starts at $53,000 in salary in Copperas Cove ISD.

In March, CCISD trustees also approved a stackable recruitment stipend, available to any CCISD employee who recruits a professional staff member to the district.

For more information on employment with CCISD, we encourage people to visit the Employment page on the district website.